Friday, December 28, 2007

Basic Security Guide 1

Service Packs, Patches and Windows Update

You can install as many security tools (such as antivirus, anti-malware or firewall software), as you like, it won't be a secure solution if the operating system itself has security flaws.

However no software is error free. It doesn't matter if is a Microsoft OS or a Linux OS, some software errors are based on problems in the software architecture. Most of the critical security holes result from inaccurate programming or too short tests during the developing phase. As soon a critical error is found, a patch, which is a tiny update eliminating the security hole, will be made available by the software manufacturer.

Microsoft offers patches and patch collections (service packs) for free. All you have to do is go to the Microsoft Windows Update Page and follow the installation instructions.

Windows Update:

Thus the most important rule to make your system safe is: Always keep your system up to date with updates and patches!

The same goes for your Java.

Update Java from this link: Scroll down to Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Click on Download.

Select Accept License Agreement. The page will refresh.

Select either online or offline installation. For offline installation, save it to a convenient location and run it. If you are surfing the Net, just close your browser, and open it again for the changes to take effect.